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Marsh Road

John Clarke’s last local history book in a series of five including Broughton Islanders (2009), Old Salt (2011), Oysterman (2013) and The Outer Light (2018).


Unlike John’s previous books, Marsh Road is not focused on the water but on a road which was the major artery for the Bobs Farm farming community. A wonderful gathering of hard-working pioneering people that struggled to make ends meet on fertile farmland that was constantly flooded by drenching rains and King tides.


The book is a collection of previous research dating back to the mid to late 1800s and many face-to-face interviews conducted with members of the original families.


Taking three years to write, the book tells of a time long gone, never to return.


Over the three years of writing John felt that he became part of the community. “What an experience!” he explained. 

Cost: $45 (plus package and postage)

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